10 Reasons Why Marvel Won’t Give ANamor Movie

5. The Mutant Issue

We know that the Marvel Cinematic Universe can’t utilize the X-Men, as well as it can’t utilize ideas connected with the X-men universe. This is the reason Marvel’s films make a special effort to set up Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch as “miracles” made by HYDRA as opposed to “mutants” as they once were in Marvel’s comics. A Namor film would experience somewhat of a similar issue. Namor has a powerset that would even make Superman blush, including the capacity to fly. OtherAtlanteans don’t share his range of powers and this is credited to Namor being a mutant. Furthermore, a portion of Marvel’s comic advertising for Namor has been to tag him as “the world’s first mutant.” If he gets his own film, there would be the need to clarify precisely how he got his fabulous powers, and “HYDRA did it” is getting somewhat old.


6. The Terrorism Factor

Namor has been a villain now and again. For example, some of his most punctual stories included him being the vessel for his kin’s fury against evil-surface dwellers. Later, when he thought Atlantis had been destroyed by atomic testing, he was furious against humankind. However, when he really discovered his kin, he did the typical thing: attempted to attack New York with a mammoth whale beast. He was, obviously, halted by Earth’s heroes, however he would serve as a miscreant a few more times throughout the years, including the time he destroyed Black Panther’s stepping grounds of Wakanda.
Basically, a superhero film and Marvel films specifically, don’t have a huge amount of space for this level of adaptability.

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