Top 10 Lovers Of Batman

7. Katherine Kathy Webb-Kane

In the first pre-emergency DC universe, Kathy was a rich beneficiary that spent her childhood as a performer in the circus. With the goal to gain the affections of Batman, she battled crime as the original Batwoman. All the more as of late, she was an agent for the spy ring, Spiral. Furthermore, she was entrusted with the duty to discover Batman’s secret identity. She dressed up as a vigilante to win his trust. Thereafter, they fell in love and she gained access to the secrets of Batman. Eventually, Kathy ended their relationship so as to keep Batman’s character a mystery and proceeded with her life.


8. Jezebel Jet

Jezebel built a relationship with Bruce to destroy Batman. At a very early stage in their encounters, Jezebel found out that Bruce and The Dark Knight are one and the same. This worked out well, since she was subtly a member from a terrible group called The Black Glove, entrusted with executing Batman. At last, Bruce found out about this and, actually, put an end to romance. Thereafter, Talia al Ghul found Jezebel’s plan and killed her with assistance from The League of Assassins.

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