This is my fifth instalment in my weekly ‘Versus’ series, where I try to clear up common arguments on who would win against whom in a fight. This weeks I aim to settle who would win out of two universal titans. Darkseid vs. Thanos.
To clarify this is a basic arsenal fight. Nothing special. So sorry Thanos but no Infinity Gauntlet for you! Lets meet the combatants:
The son of King Yuga Khan and Queen Heggra, Prince Uxas, second in line to the throne of Apokolips, plotted to seize power over the planet. When his brother, Drax, attempted to claim the fabled Omega Force, Uxas murdered him and took the power for himself; transforming him into a rock-like creature, and taking a new name: Darkseid. He has been a constant poweful villain in the DC Universe ever since.
Powers And Abilities:
- New God Physiology: The beings of Apokolips call themselves Gods and live outside of normal time and space in a realm called the Fourth World. These New Gods have evolved due to their close proximity to the Source, a primeval energy, believed to be one of the ultimate foundations of the Universal Expression of Energy, along with their superior technology, into beings of genetic stability and evolutionary perfection.
- Superhuman Strength: Darkseid possesses colossal super-strength. Darkseid’s full strength potential varies depending on the incarnation. Overall, because he is a high-tier cosmic being, Darkseid can easily overpower and kill humans and most galactic beings, he can bend and break through virtually any man-made material, and can lift extremely heavy objects, decimate full-sized buildings and other structures with his might. As a god of New Genesis he once broke a Green Lantern Ring with his bare hands. It is generally accepted that Darkseid is multi million mega ton range of strength and is among the universe’s strongest beings.
- Superhuman Speed: Although rarely displayed, Darkseid can react and maneuver faster than the healthiest and strongest human athlete who partakes in daily exercise. However, Darkseid can’t run or move nearly as fast as speeders like Superman or the Flash. In some cases, however, he would often surprise Superman by appearing right behind him. It has been seen that Darkseid can react in microseconds.
- Superhuman Stamina: It is generally accepted that Darkseid can maintain continuous movement and strenuous exercise for unlimited periods of time without ever getting weary or tired in the process, and it that regard, he can battle other aliens for extended amounts of time before tiring.
- Invulnerability: Darkseid is extremely resistant to most forms of physical and mental harm. Darkseid’s full durability capacity varies depending on the incarnation. Overall, because he is a high-tier cosmic being, humans couldn’t even begin to harm him, bullets bounce off him, rockets, bombs and lasers won’t even leave a mark on him, and high-voltage energy emissions can’t penetrate through him. He is completely immune to all earthly diseases and viruses. Despite his resistance, other high-tier cosmic beings like Superman or the Martian Manhunter can cause him great distress and pain. Also, materials forged from his home world can hurt him as well.
- Immortality: As a god of New Genesis, Darkseid live almost indefinitely, as he can’t age, wither, or degrade. However, though it is nearly impossible for him to die, other high-tier aliens like Kryptonians can kill him.
- Omega Effect: Darkseid wields a cosmic energy field called “Omega Effect”, which proves integral, as it is the core from which his other abilities manifest from. This effect allows him to transverse through time and space, also enabling him to break barriers and force-fields.
- Omega Beams: Darkseid’s main power. He focuses this power as a form of energy that he fires from his eyes. This effect is not only a relentless attack, but it is capable of teleporting the target to any location Darkseid chooses and recall them later or erase the target from the universe and similarly reform them. Darkseid has pinpoint control over his Omega Beams, and his unerring aim allows it to travel in straight lines or bend, twist or curve around corners. It has been shown that the Omega Beams are ineffective against the bracelets of [Wonder Woman](movie:45787), as they were created from the Olympian Aegis. He has claimed that no being had yet withstood the full force of the Omega Beam, but Doomsday and Superman nonetheless survived the attack.
- Telepathy: Darkseid can easily read minds of others anywhere in entire Universe. In this ability, he can also attack or invade someone’s mind with images.
- Mind Control: Darkseid can control the actions, thoughts and speech of humans just by thinking. In the scope of this ability, he can apparently, control and take over 100 individuals at once, indicating the capacity potential his brain can achieve.
- Psionic Possession: Darkseid’s psychic abilities allow him to possess an individual and negate any superhuman abilities they may have.
- Telekinesis: Darkseid can mentally influence the movement of objects and people with his mind; he often makes things float with simple gestures of his hand.
- Matter Manipulation: Darkseid can transmute and manipulate matter, and in extension atoms, at will; he can destroy humans with a mere thought, and as such, he can even create his own creature complexions by design out of nothing, as he did when he created the being known as Strayne. Also, Darkseid can cause organisms to degrade and de-evolve.
- Molecular Dispersion: He is also able to dissipate and disperse the molecules of an object or organism, effectively erasing them from existence.
- Erosion Blasts: Darkseid is able to project energy from his hands as well as his eyes. To this effect the blasts can sustain damages from eradication to withering in effect, using both aspects to a devastating degree.
- Avatar Creation: A simple thought allows Darkseid to create liable avatars if/when the need arises.
- Teleportation: Darkseid can teleport himself and other beings anywhere in the entire Universe even through other dimensions at a mere thought.
- Size Alteration: Darkseid can easily manipulate his size, density and mass just by thinking, enabling him to become any size he wants.
- Chronokinesis: Darkseid can move and transverse through time at ease.
- Power Distribution: Darkseid could endow his lesser subjects with enormous powers. either granting them new abilities, increasing old ones they already possess or restoring lost powers to others at higher levels. He’s done so with Mantis, Dr. Bedlam, Mary Marvel and his son; Kalibak.
- Genius Level Intellect: Darkseid possesses intelligence that surpasses even the greatest minds in the universe. With this he is an excellent strategist, and has proven that not only sheer force of strength and power has aided him in battles.
- Tactical Analysis: He is a master planner and strategist and his armies are nearly unbeatable under his leadership.
- Intimidation: With his frightening visage and ruthless nature, Darkseid instills fear in friend and foe alike, something he no doubt enjoys.
- Advanced Hand-to-Hand Combat: Darkseid is a highly-trained Apokoliptian warrior. He has held his own against powerful opponents, such as Superman. Despite his impressive fighting skills, however, Darkseid rarely resorts to personal combat to defeat his foes. Instead, he uses his servants to defeat his enemies for him. Apparently, Darkseid only fights opponents he deems worthy, such as Superman, Batman or Orion.
- Radion: Darkseid and all of the New Gods are vulnerable to a substance called Radion. Its source is unknown and its effects are toxic only in sustained amounts or after explosive exposure. The average New God can be slain by an application of Radion from a Radion blaster or bomb. More advanced beings such as Darkseid, protected by their power, armor and sheer toughness, have been known to take two hits and survive.
There was an ancient race called ‘the Deviants’ who were split from another race ‘the Eternals’ who were a race of perfect beings. As mutants the Deviants had the Eternals powers without the kindness of looks. Born on Saturn’s moon ‘Titan’ to an Eternal king, Thanos was a prince who inherited the Deviant gene. He was born with a tough hide and stronger than all the other residents on Titan, as he grew up he was loved by his family but feared by the rest of his world. He realised he was different and started dreaming about Death who he soon met the living embodiment of. He fell in love with Death he grew in power and swore to her that he would wipe out all life in the universe to prove his love.
Powers And Abilities:
- Superhuman Intelligence: Possibly Thanos’ most dangerous ability is his mind. Thanos’ intellect is dedicated to enhancing his own powers and to the annihilation of all life. Thanos is a genius in virtually all known fields of advanced science and has created technology far exceeding contemporary Earth science. He has also shown to quickly adapt to new battle situations, as shown in his fight with the Champion of the Universe, who outclassed him physically and whom he beat by dancing around him, blasting him with Energy attacks and tricking him into destroying the planet they fought on.
- Superhuman Strength: Thanos possesses vast superhuman strength the full limits of which aren’t known. Death has increased his strength beyond their original limits to levels rivaling or surpassing those of the physically strongest Eternals. Thanos’ strength is so vast he has destroyed entire planets with the simple force of his blows. His strength is so vast that he has been able to easily defeat the likes of the Silver Surfer, punch away an attacking Hulk and physically subduing with ease Beta Ray Bill and Ronan the Accuser (as well as casually breaking apart the latter’s Universal Weapon). Thanos can also augment his strength with his cosmic energy when needed.
- Superhuman Speed: Despite his massive muscular bulk, Thanos is capable of running and moving at speeds greater than the finest human athlete.
- Superhuman Stamina: Thanos’ musculature produces almost no fatigue toxins during physical activity. As a result, he has nearly superhuman stamina in all physical activities.
- Superhuman Durability: Before his “death”, Thanos possessed an impressive degree of resistance to physical injury, even compared to other Eternals. After his resurrection, Death increased his ability to resist injury to a much greater degree and he is nigh invulnerable. He has withstood at point blank range planet destroying attacks without any harm. He has withstood blasts from the Silver Surfer unharmed. He withstood a battering from an enraged, Power Gem-wielding Thor with all but a bloody nose. He possesses such an incredible resistance to injury that he has been shown to survive point blank blasts from Odin and Galactus. Thanos recently withstood three full screams from Black Bolt, one at point blank range without any significant damage. He also survived being subjected to an artificial singularity.
- Immortality: Thanos, like all Eternals, is immortal in the sense that he is immune to all known diseases and infections and is immune to the effects of aging. Thanos was formerly banned by Death itself from entering its realm, rendering him truly immortal. No matter the severity of any injury, Thanos was unable to die and completely recovered. This ban has since been lifted.
- Accelerated Healing Factor: Despite his extraordinary durability, it is possible to injure Thanos. Like all Eternals, however, Thanos is capable of regenerating damaged tissue with much greater speed and efficiency than a human being. His healing powers aren’t as developed as those of some Eternals. Some Eternals are capable of regenerating any destroyed tissue. Given the circumstances of his latest death, Thanos is unable to regenerate missing organs.
- Superhuman Agility: Despite his great size, Thanos’ agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. His agility is roughly equal to that of the average Eternal.
- Superhuman Reflexes: Thanos’ reaction time is enhanced to a level that is beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. Like his agility, his reflexes are about average for an Eternal.
- Energy Manipulation & Control: Thanos has displayed great versatility in the use of his energy projection abilities. He has demonstrated the ability to project pure energy as a concussive force, “magnetic” energy, infra-red heat-beams from his eyes, and disruptor beams, as well as use his use his mental link to his techo-mystical chair to form vastly powerful energy shields, barriers, and force-fields. The exact extent of Thanos’ energy projection abilities are unknown, but his blasts have been capable of rendering Thor unconscious. He was also able to slightly damage Galactus’ armor and blast the Devourer of Worlds off his feet. By collaborating with the In-Betweener they together released the latter from his prison created by Master Order and Lord Chaos. It has been speculated that the nature of Thanos’ cosmic energy reserve may be quasi-mystical in nature.
- Telepathy: Thanos possesses limited psionic abilities. His mind is invulnerable to most forms of psychic attack. So far Thanos has demonstrated the ability to successfully defend himself from a psychic assault by Moondragon. However, his abilities seemed strictly defensive, as he had to borrow her abilities to enable communication with and to psychically assault Galactus. Later, this apparently changed to a degree, as he mentally triggered a rage in the Hulk.
- Matter Manipulation & Control: Thanos has demonstrated some ability to manipulate matter on the atomic level, similarly to other Earthborn Eternals. On one occasion, he turned the Skrull, Skragg into stone.
- Curse Casting: Thanos seems to be at least partially skilled in Magic, evidence being him cursing Deadpool to be unable to die.
- Flight: After his fight with Star-Lord wielding the Black Vortex, Thanos was shown to fly self-propelled. Whether he recently aquired this ability or if he uses technical equipment for it hasn’t been revealed yet.
- Teleportation: Thanos can teleport himself across unknown distances through his link with his techno-mystical transport chair. When stranded in space with Terraxia, he could neither fly, nor teleport to his rescue, presumably because his chair got destroyed in the struggle before.
- Practically None: No blatant hole in his defence the only way to defeat him would to either over power him or find an effective strategy to incapacitate him.
Who I Think Would Win:
This is possibly the closest one I have none so far and it took me a while t come to a conclusion but Darkseid just takes it. Both are incredibly similar in every way which makes it very difficult. But Darkseid is the greatest stratagist in his universe and Thanos doesn’t have the Gauntlet. So although in combat they are equals Darkseid could eventually formulate a plan to take down the titan.