7 Ways Negan Psychologically Shattered Rick In The Walking Dead

5. Fetching Game
While Rick is right there shaking with disdain, having seen his companions being fiercely killed, and for reasons unknown Negan concludes this is a decent time to take Rick into the caravan and go for a ride.
They stop some place, surrounded by the strolling dead and Negan tosses Rick’s axe out of the caravan and tells Rick to bring it. Rick, obviously, is hesitant. However, subsequent to listening to Negan’s threats to kill more of his companions he runs out into the crowd of zombies and gets the axe. This shows Rick that he is to take orders from Negan and execute them without question or face the outcomes.

4. Rescuing
While Rick is no place near adoring Negan, he may have felt a sense of gratitude when Negan acted as the hero by saving him twice. As it is, the Sheriff attempted to battle his way once again into the caravan and bring the axe he was told to recover. Rick can abhor him, fear him, and loathe him. However, he’s the person who has Rick’s life in his hands, and also everybody else’s.

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