Star Trek is a pioneer show in the history of Science Fiction on the mainstream television. It went ahead, took the risk and showed the world that the audience is ready to absorb more intellectual content. The show made showed us all believe that we don’t have to dumb down the television to make it entertaining and inclusive.
The first attempt of the genius Gene Roddenberry back in 1960’s ran for only three seasons but when it came back in the late 80’s with the “Star Trek: The Next Generations”, the baton of Trek universe went to new heights. It was the Next Generation that made the legend out of the Star Trek, it grew the show’s scope both vertically and horizontally in every damn aspect.
That is one show that I would love to see rebooting but this time with a dystopian universe, where the Federation exists but the evil entities have the heavy hand on everything that exists but our folks at Enterprise are persevering to make this better. If a show like this is ever planned, and I had the chance to cast the actors, this is how it would look :-
1. Henry Cavill William T. Riker
2. Bryce Dallas Howard As Beverly Crusher
3. Jesse Eisenberg As Data
4. Krysten Ritter As Deanna Troi
5. Ralph Fiennes As Picard
6. Chadwick-Boseman-As-LeVar-Burton
7. Anthony Mackie As Worf
8. Tasha Yar