It was recently announced that David Tennant has been cast to play the purple-skinned villain Zebediah Killgrave in Marvel’s upcoming Netflix series A.K.A. Jessica Jones. He’s not the only Doctor Who actor who has appeared in Marvel films, however — here are a few more.
Karen Gillan
Karen Gillan played Amy Pond, one of the Eleventh Doctor’s companions on Doctor Who, and she also made a notable appearance as Nebula in 2014’s Guardians of the Galaxy.
Ian McKellen
While he didn’t get any screen time on Doctor Who, Ian McKellen’s distinctive voice can be heard in the 2012 Christmas Special The Snowmen as the voice of the Great Intelligence. The distinguished actor, of course, played Magento in the X-Men films.
Christopher Eccleston
Known in the Whoverse as the Ninth Doctor, Christopher Eccleston appeared in Marvel’s second Thor movie that premiered in 2013, Thor: The Dark World, as supervillain Malekith.
Andrew Garfield
Known for playing Spider-Man in both The Amazing Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Andrew Garfield appeared as Frank in the two-parter Daleks in Manhattan and Evolution of the Daleks.
Tony Curran
Eccleston is not the only Doctor Who actor to appear in Thor: The Dark World. Tony Curran, who magnificently played Vincent Van Gogh in the Doctor Who episode Vincent and the Doctor, plays an Asgardian named Bor in the Marvel film.
David Bradley
David Bradley makes his Doctor Who appearance in two places — the episode titled Dinosaurs on a Spaceship as well as in the televised docudrama An Adventure in Space and Time as the First Doctor, William Hartnell. You can also find him as the Tower Keeper in Marvel’s Captain America: The First Avenger.
Felicity Jones
Felicity Jones can be found in the Doctor Who episode The Unicorn and the Wasp as Robina Redmond. She also appears in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 as Felicia Hardy.