For too long now, the fans of the two biggest comic book mammoths, DC and Marvel, have remained divided on the abilities of their favorite characters. Each of the factions comes up with arguments regarding why their favorite character can kick the ass of any other. The unfortunate part is, most of these arguments are biased. For example, most DC fans believe that Batman can defeat any other character, simply because “he is Batman.” Similarly, Marvel fanboys think that Iron Man can smack any hero/villain because he can build a suit to deal with anything. The truth is, most of the times these feats are achieved due to “plot armor,” where a character can do tasks which would be otherwise impossible for him, only because the plot asks for it.
However, sometimes we can see an unbiased opinion regarding two characters, based purely on their established skill sets. Here, we try to analyze the face-off between two of the most famous combatants in comic book history: Batman and Captain America.
To even the field, we assume that both of them are at their physical prime. In this comparison, Steve Rogers is from the Marvels main universe, while Batman is from the current generation, not New 52. Let the battle begin.
10) Strength
It is a fact that Bruce Wayne has grilled his body to be at peak human limit. His strength is the pinnacle of human capabilities, and he can perform a bench of 1000 lbs. (or maybe a bit more). Steve Rogers, on the other hand, has an enhanced strength due to the super-soldier serum. This means that his strength easily surpasses the strength any human can achieve.
9) Speed
Again, we have to go with the fact the Batman has peak human fitness level. Even though his build is much larger than that of professional athletes, his stats show that he can be as fast as the fastest man. Given the premise, we can assume that he could hit the top speed of 27.45 mph, the current world record. On the other hand, Captain America is an enhanced human being. This directly implies that he can be faster than any human could ever be. In some instances, he is said to be as fast as 49 mph. The official stats record his speed to be at 30 mph, which is still more than any human can hope to achieve without enhancements.
8) Endurance
Fans of Batman know that he has faced more pain than most people could even imagine, and continued to fight. He can take as many punches as any human can, and still stand up. However, he is still a human and suffers from conditions like muscle fatigue. Captain America, however, is a super-soldier with enhanced capabilities. These include almost negligible muscle fatigue, immunity to diseases and most toxins, and immunity from getting intoxicated. He also has a healing factor much better than any human could hope to have. Both men can take a beating, but Rogers can stand back on his feet much earlier than Wayne.
7) Worthiness
This trait is not measurable, so we can only speculate. But in the end, Batman is not a good person deep down (he acknowledges that himself). His various feats of causing pain to others and his inclusion into the Sinestro Corps are evidence of this. Captain America, on the other hand, is the symbol of everything good in this world. He, like Superman, is a ray of hope to others. On top of this, he is one of the few humans that ever wielded the Mjolnir. It is safe to say that Steve Rogers is a much better person than Bruce Wayne.
6) Weapons
You must be thinking that there is no way Cap could beat Bats in this category, right? Yes, Batman has an array of gadgets for almost every imaginable situation. However, Captain America has one weapon that cannot be beaten. His shield is made from the strongest metal known to man, which gives him protection against every kind of attack. He can also use it for the offensive effortlessly. A full-blown smack from a shield has the same force as that of a speeding car. So it is safe to assume that Rogers can tackle anything Batman has to throw at him and then smack it with that sweet shield.
5) Military Training
Yes, Batman has also undergone extensive training, but training in a dojo is very different from that in the army. Captain America has instincts of a soldier and the discipline of a soldier. He has a fighting instinct that cannot be matched. Plus, as a soldier, he can kill when necessary; this gives him an undeniable edge over Batman, who has the “no killing” rule.
4) Ego
Okay, this ego is what makes Batman such a cool character. But the same ego has also led to his defeat on more than one occasion. The most famous example is that of Prometheus, who was never a big villain, yet managed to beat Batman with relative ease. In contrast, Captain America is the humble guy. He is confident, but he never underestimates his opponent in a battle. It is not beyond him to acknowledge his enemy. This makes him a better fighter than Batman.
3) Tactics
The world greatest detective has a tactical mind that is largely unsurpassed in his universe. Batman is known to have analytical skills which make him a fearsome foe in the battle. He can come up with plans and weapons to defeat almost everyone. But Captain America is also the greatest tactician in his respective universe. In a face-off without preparation time, it seems quite unlikely that Batman could lay a trap for Captain America. Steve Rogers spent time in the military, has fought with the greatest fighters, has strength and speed beyond human limits. And he never underestimates his opponent.
2) Fighting skills
There is no definitive answer to this. In their respective canons, both are said to be master of multiple fighting forms. Both have been acknowledged by others to be the greatest fighters alive. The only edge Captain has is his longer time on the planet, which means more experience. Combine that with his superior strength and speed, and we have a winner.
1) Batman
Yup, the most definitive answer to this face-off is Batman’s own statement. In Avengers Vs. JLA crossover event, we see a stand-off between the two. Batman admits that Captain America could defeat him (even though it would take him a long time). But this long time could be because Steve Rogers didn’t had his shield on him, while Batman has an ego that makes him hard to admit his shortcomings.
So, after all the analysis, it is safe to assume that if Batman ever decided to fight against Captain America, he would have his ass kicked.