Yes, Batman is a great character. And one can make arguments that he is a better character than Superman. But will he be a better father?
Nope. And here are 6 reasons why Superman would be a better dad than Batman:
1. Superman protects. Batman endangers.
Bruce Wayne does not seem to know the “make sure kids are safe” concept. Robin has a costume that is red and yellow which make excellent colors for targets. There are many insane people in Gotham City; those with guns and freeze rays.
Bruce keeps many things in his Bat Cave; cars, computers and a nuclear reactor. Keeping a nuclear reactor in the basement does not mean that your house is adequately child-proofed.
2. Superman had two good role models on how to be a father. Bruce had none.
Jor-el, Superman’s father, saved him by putting him on a rocket and blasting him to Earth as Krypton exploded. Jonathan Kent found the baby -el in the fields of Kansas and raised him as his own. Did Clark turn into a degenerate and rob banks and rule the planet? No., instead he was raised to believe that he was on Earth for a reason that was bigger than himself.
Bruce lost his parents when he was young, a tragedy that defined his very life. The Waynes were killed in a place called Crime Alley. Most dads wouldn’t drive to their local Dairy Queen without locking the doors. Thomas Wayne took his wife and child on a night-time stroll through the place, CRIME ALLEY.
3. Superman is emotionally mature. Batman is an emotional cripple.
Both the superheroes have experienced loss in their lives. Superman did not just lose his parents. He lost his planet. But he figured a way to move on and smile at times. The only time Batman actually smiles is when he breaks someone’s neck.
4. Batman is clearly compensating for some tragic shortcoming.
Batman has a mansion, and if you think about his physical appearance in a tight black suit, worn only at night, well, you can draw your own conclusions.
5. Superman sees the best in people. Batman sees only the worst.
Superman is a better person than Batman. Superman can see and hear anything. Every bad comment and meanness. He sees and hears people and still, he chooses to save them.
Batman builds plans for how to take out his fellow Justice Leaguers if he needs to. In Batman’s world, people all those who will disappoint him.
6. Without Superman, there is no Batman.
Superman is the first superhero. Batman was created after him, and hoped to capitalize on his popularity.