Ben Affleck says he lifted a memento from the Justice League set — and was promptly billed by studio Warner Bros.
“They kept track of the Batmobile,” Affleck said when asked by The Late Show host Stephen Colbert if he kept any of the “cool toys” Batman is known to use in his crime-fighting arsenal. “But there was some other stuff that fell off the truck, like the batarangs and stuff. I kept getting these phone calls from the prop department, like, ‘You sure you haven’t found any of that stuff yet?’”
Pressed by Colbert, Affleck admitted he stole a batarang — the bat-shaped, metallic projectiles used by Batman to strike enemies from a distance.
“You can’t exactly have been stealing if you got billed for it, which is what happened to me,” Affleck said, adding that Warner Bros. sent him a bill for his swiped souvenir. “Turns out batarangs aren’t cheap!”
During his visit to The Late Show promoting Justice League, Affleck addressed his alleged misconduct and his past connection with disgraced producer Harvey Weinstein as well as Donald Trump’s 2013 Batfleck endorsement.
Affleck again made headlines recently as his tenure as the Dark Knight continues to be in doubt, with rumors arriving Thursday that Matt Reeves, director of the upcoming The Batman, is reportedly interested in having Donnie Darko and Stronger actor Jake Gyllenhaal don the cowl for the Bat’s first solo movie since 2012’s The Dark Knight Rises.
Justice League, starring Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller, Ray Fisher and Amy Adams, is now playing.