The Star Wars waffle maker phenomenon has been running at full steam for several years now but, for some reason, it took this long to deliver a Millennium Falcon model. Perhaps the engineers behind such marvels needed this much time to perfect the technology that would bring Millennium Falcon and waffle into harmonious balance. Whatever the case, it’s here now – just in time for the holidays.
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The Millennium Falcon waffles pictured here appear to have a more pancake-esque quality to them, which would not be ideal for waffle aficionados. Still, with some trial and error, you will surely develop a recipe that works. Plus, science says that waffles that taste like spaceships taste 48-percent better than standard waffles. With that in mind, you can order your Millennium Falcon waffle maker right here. These will sell like crazy, so jump on it quickly before they sell out.
If you would like to explore the other technological wonders available in the Star Wars waffle maker lineup, click here. The collection includes the classic Death Star waffle maker, Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, BB-8 models and more. There’s also a toaster or two thrown in there for good measure.